Wood Fired Stoves

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Wood fired stoves are consistent and reliable.  

In a technologically driven world where TV's, computers and WiFi have made everyday operation confusing, wood stoves offer a simplicity of function rarely found anymore.  

It may surprise some people to know that wood stoves are so much more than a simple box to safely contain a fire for heating and cooking

Continued improvements in them has resulted in efficiency that was beyond the dreams of engineers and designers a couple of generations ago.  

Today's modern wood stoves are at the cutting edge of technology and efficiency since their invention centuries ago.

Fire is among the first technologies that humans utilized to significantly change their environment and living habits.

It is a technology that has driven our industries through much of our industrial development

Harvesting your own firewood or supporting a sustainable local woodlot has many benefits.  

Homeowners with a small woodlot know that it doesn’t take much to support their heating needs through even the coldest winter.  

A well maintained woodlot is healthier and more productive than a neglected one, and firewood can be a byproduct of proper forest management

Efficiency Of A Modern Wood Stove

Wood fired stoves are a true technological marvel.  

There are few products that can claim centuries of refinement and still see regular improvement in efficiency while having no moving parts for their function aside from access doors and vents

The newest ultra high efficiency wood stoves are designed to get the most heat from the smallest amount of wood. 

They are much cleaner and more efficient than wood fired stoves from only 20 years ago.

Gone are the days of cavernous wood eating stoves that have to be fed endlessly.

Stoves like the US Stove 3000 exemplify many of these innovations by providing high efficiency heat at an affordable price point. 

The 3000 has a large 3.0 cubic foot firebox that can accept logs up to 21 inches in length, which increases burn time and reduces the amount of time you spend filling the firebox.

Only generating 1.9 grams of particulate per hour of burning, the 3000 is one of the cleanest burning stoves on the market today, meeting modern EPA requirements and proving itself as a safe and energy efficient wood stove.

Wood Fired Stoves - Design and Utility

A wood fired stoves purpose has always been consistent even as the style and needs of the times have changed.  

Whether you're looking to heat your home at a reasonable cost, or you need a functional device for cooking a meal in your cabin, a wood stove can handle the job.

This is reflected in the diverse styles of new wood stoves that are available on the market.  

While there might not be anything quite as spectacular as some of the vintage parlor wood stoves, it does not take much research to find a wood burning stove to fit any aesthetic. 

Through much of their existence wood stoves have been a marvel of metallurgy.

It seems only fitting that they have developed a beauty of form to match their function. 

Self Sufficiency And Emergency Preparedness

There is never a bad time to increase your self sufficiency and energy security.

Wood fired stoves ensure that you have heat when you need it no matter what difficulties there might be in the world around you

We live in an increasingly technologically driven world.

For all of the benefits that it offers, it also makes saving money and being responsible for your own needs increasingly difficult.

Heat is as fundamental to human health as food in many climates.

Providing for your own needs or at least some of them goes a long way.  

Knowing that you can take care of your needs during times of energy insecurity is just as important as being able to provide food for your family. 

You want your home to be prepared in the event of difficulty.  

Wood fired stoves are always ready for action no matter the weather or electrical connection.

As long as you have dry wood to start it with and keep it burning, your wood fired stove will keep you and your family warm.  

If you need it, any wood fired stove can be used as a cooking surface

Other than having enough food and water, there is nothing that will offer more to your home in an emergency than a wood burning stove and plenty of firewood

Wood fired stoves are great additions to almost any home.  

Their benefit to your home, health and wallet cannot be denied.  

If you already have a wood fired stove in your home or are thinking about getting one you should also think about what other tools and supplies you may want or need.

Fans that are powered by the heat differential between the air and the surface of the wood stove are increasingly popular and for good reason.  

Using these fans helps to dramatically increase the efficiency of your stoves safely and with no added electricity.

Heat Powered Wood Stove Fan with Temperature Gauge

These fans have come down in price dramatically over the years and are now available in numerous unique styles. 

The VonHaus 6-Blade Twin Motor Fan could be a great way to up your stove's efficiency. 

Other tools you may need are heat resistant gloves, a poker, and maybe a set of chimney brushes, but other than that there is little that you need to keep your wood fired stove functioning well. 

Wood Burning Stoves - Overall

Overall a wood burning stove can not only add heat and beauty to any home, they also decrease your dependency on electricity allowing you to have multiple heating and food prepping options during a power outage.

Today's modern wood stoves are much more user friendly than the pre-certified EPA stoves of the past.  

With reduced firewood consumption, less emissions and longer burn times, heating with wood is an enjoyable and money saving experience.


About the Author

Nick Greenway

Obsessed with firewood, Nick is behind over 350+ of Firewood For Life's articles, as well as countless reviews, guides and YouTube videos to help readers like you reduce heating costs and create the perfect fire.