Splitting Firewood

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Splitting firewood is very important to properly season the wood.

Splitting the wood allows air to penetrate the wood from all angles allowing it to dry much faster.

Removing moisture from the wood is vital for creating a hot, long lasting fire.

Wet wood tends to smolder and not burn very well.

This results in a poor fire that creates little heat.

Splitting also makes the wood much easier to handle and stack.

A large piece of firewood can be extremely heavy and cumbersome to move.

Splitting the log will make moving it much easier and decrease the risk of injury.  

Splitting firewood can be a daunting task.

Swinging a splitting axe or maul for an afternoon will give you a really good workout and does not appeal to everyone.  

However, many people enjoy it and consider it a peaceful way to connect with nature.

Which Tools Are The Best?

Several tools, often referred to as a firewood splitter, are available to help make splitting a piece of wood easier and more efficient.

Looking for an easy way to carry split firewood inside without leaving behind a mess in your house?

Read here to learn about a firewood carrier.

Wood can be split by using hand held tools such as a splitting axe or a maul, or more advanced machinery can be used, like hydraulic log splitters.

Click on the links below to learn more about these tools.

When you're handling firewood a good pair of gloves is essential for protecting your hands.

While most people choose to wear leather gloves, the leather typically wears out prematurely leaving holes in the finger tips.

So what other options do you have besides leather?  

Read here to see why we think latex dipped nit gloves are the best firewood gloves available. 

If you have some firewood to split or you're looking for some great tips and techniques, read this article that explains how to split wood properly using a splitting axe or maul.

A homemade splitting block with a tire attached to the top is a simple invention that will make splitting the wood easier, faster and safer!

The tire helps protect you from a glancing blow of the axe head, plus it keeps the rounds of wood upright as you split them.

That's right.....no more bending over after every swing to stand the wood upright again. 

If you want to make your own, check out our guide for making your own homemade splitting block.

Drying And Storage

To burn firewood safely you must make sure it is properly seasoned.

Wet, unseasoned wood increases the chance for creosote buildup which is potentially dangerous.

Read here for tips and instructions about drying firewood or check out this article which explains the difference between seasoned vs unseasoned firewood.

Does your firewood smell?  

Read here for our thoughts on firewood odor and why some firewood types have a distinct smell.

How much does firewood weigh?  Check out our chart to find out.

A few years ago I built a firewood storage rack next to my outdoor wood furnace.

The storage rack is used to hold about two weeks worth of firewood.

By having the rack close to my wood furnace it saves time by not hauling firewood every morning.

The rack also helps keep my lawn free of wood chips by not stacking the wood in the lawn.

Look here to see pictures and learn about the firewood storage rack.

Overall - Splitting Firewood

There are a lot of different ways to split a piece of firewood.  

Although it may seem like a wasted step.......it's not!  

Choose a splitting method that works well for you and you'll be enjoying nice hot fires all winter long.


About the Author

Nick Greenway

Obsessed with firewood, Nick is behind over 350+ of Firewood For Life's articles, as well as countless reviews, guides and YouTube videos to help readers like you reduce heating costs and create the perfect fire.